BCLI Recognized in the Legislature
March 17, 2016
BY British Columbia Law Institute
Law reform is often a slow process and it can take many years before recommendations in a BCLI project report are implemented. As we’ve reported in this blog over the past year, many project recommendations have been implemented. These successes keep us, our board and our volunteer committee members motivated. We also appreciate our work being recognized and are pleased that in the March 1, 2016 debates on Bill 5 in the legislature, both Minister Suzanne Anton, and NDP spokesperson for Justice (Attorney General) Leonard Krog recognized the BCLI’s work in the Report on Unnecessary Requirements for Sworn Statements (2006). (See second reading at 10839).
At the end of her remarks, Minister Anton commented: “I’d like to thank the British Columbia Law Institute for the work they did in their 2006 report recommending elimination of sworn statements in most non-court matters. This report was the impetus for this project and was a valuable starting point for our consultations and analysis.” During the debates NDP member Leonard Krog also recognized the BCLI work and our work generally commenting: “The B.C. Law Institute — I can’t speak long enough, and with any more praise than I could possibly generate, about an institution that has contributed more to law reform in British Columbia in the last few years. They have done amazing work around a number of very complex pieces of legislation that have come forward to this House, including the significant changes to the Societies Act and legislation around leases. They have done incredible work on a number of areas, all of which were important and long needed and much anticipated.”