Final Thoughts and Farewell
August 30, 2018
BY Gurinder Cheema
Today is the last day of my work term with the BCLI and the CCEL. As I wrap up my last few assignments, I take a moment to reflect on the last four months.
My time at the BCLI/CCEL was a well-rounded learning experience. I engaged in varied work throughout my term. I got a feel for BCLI/CCEL’s consultative work by attending Strata Property Law and Health Care Consent project committee meetings, as well as various community events. In addition, I refined my research skills by completing discrete research tasks for lawyers on various reform projects. These tasks often involved a comparative aspect, which broadened my exposure to researching the law in other jurisdictions. During my term, I also learned more about the day to day operation of the BCLI/CCEL by attending both internal meetings and Board of Directors meetings. After seeing the amount of work that goes into each law reform project, I complete my term with a strong appreciation for the BCLI/CCEL’s work.
I would also like to thank everyone at the BCLI/CCEL. A large part of enjoying your work comes down to the company you share and the BCLI/CCEL team were fantastic colleagues this summer. Their doors were always open and I always felt well supported. In addition, they invested time and effort into reviewing my assignments and providing constructive feedback, which is of great value for a student at the beginning of their legal career.
As the summer winds down, I look forward to returning to Victoria for my third year of law school. I am confident I will return to school with refined research and writing skills because of my time at the BCLI/CCEL. I had a great time at the BCLI/CCEL and I would again like to thank the BCLI/CCEL team for their support this summer!