Thanks for Supporting the CCEL
November 6, 2023
BY Kelly Melnyk
November marks the 20th anniversary of the Canadian Centre for Elder Law. Formed in 2003 as a division of the BC Law Institute, CCEL’s objective was to use the law reform ideology behind BCLI and focus on matters involving our aging population. Since its inception, CCEL has produced substantive reports, study papers, and resources on a wide range of issues that impact older persons. CCEL has also been instrumental in creating a strong community of like-minded individuals with the goal of furthering the rights of older persons in Canada and internationally. One of the key activities in furthering the area of Elder Law was the creation of the Canadian Elder Law Conference.
We have a few days to go until the 2023 Canadian Elder Law Conference on Thursday, the first to be in-person since 2019. The speakers are preparing to share their knowledge and CLE BC has been working hard to make sure things run smoothly for those in-person and online. One aspect that makes the Canadian Elder Law Conference unique is the emphasis on an inter-disciplinary attendance. Bringing these different perspectives allows for interesting perspectives and dialogue on the issues affecting older persons.
Making these different perspectives possible are amazing supporters of the Canadian Elder Law Conference. We would like to take a moment to thank the organizations committed to supporting the inclusion of attendees from non-profits, the health care profession, and students. Without their longtime support of the Canadian Elder Law Conference, we would not have as vibrant discussions and forward-looking thought to this unique and intersecting area of law.