House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women – Abuse of Older Women Study
December 15, 2011
BY Alison Taylor
15 December 2011—The House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women heard from witnesses during the months of October and November 2011. To date, the following witnesses have provided evidence:
- Marla Israel, Acting Director General, Centre for Health Promotion, Public Health Agency of Canada
- Cathy Bennett, Acting Director, Division of Aging and Seniors, Centre for Health Promotion, Public Health Agency of Canada
- Charmaine Spencer, Co-Chair, Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Gloria Gutman, President, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Lynn McDonald, Scientific Director, National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly
- Barb Mildon, President-elect, Canadian Nurses Association
- Josette Roussel, Team Advisor, Canadian Nurses Association
- Krista James, National Director, Canadian Centre for Elder Law
- Guy Soulière, Chair, National Seniors Council
- Elizabeth Seigel, Coordinator, Newfoundland and Labrador Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Valerie White, Chief Executive Officer, Nova Scotia Department of Seniors
- Teri Kay, Executive Director, Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Dr. Silvia Straka, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba (as an individual)
- Dr. Marie Beaulieu, Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Sherbrook (as an individual)
- Claudette Dumont-Smith, Executive Director, Native Women’s Association of Canada
- Dr. Christine Walsh, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary (as an individual)
- Professor Hugh Armstrong (as an individual)
- Judith Wahl, Executive Director, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
- Jacques Paquette, Senior Assistant, Deputy Minister, Income Security and Social Development, Department of Human Resources and Skills Development
- Ellen Healey, Director, Social Policy Division, Community Development and Partnership Directorate, Income Security and Social Development, Department of Human Resources and Skills Development
- Brenda Butterworth-Carr, Chief Superintendent, Director General, National Aboriginal Policing and Crime Prevention Services, RCMP
- Constable Patricia Fleischmann, Police Constable, Community Mobilization Unit, Toronto Police Service (Coordinator, Elder Abuse Unit)
- Constable Jared Buhler, Edmonton Police Services (Elder Abuse Intervention Team)
- Detective Sargeant Isobel Fitzpatrick, Coordinator, Eastern Regional Abuse Issues, Ontario Provincial Police
- Inspector Leslie Craig, Manager, Crime Prevention, Ontario Provincial Police
- Detective Isabelle Coady, Ottawa Police Services (Elder Abuse Unit)
- Vanessa Bevilacqua, Advisor, Advocacy, Réseau FADOQ
- Bonnie Brayton, National Executive Director, DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada
The Committee is currently completing another study, and will continue its study into abuse of older women when it resumes its work at the end of January or early February 2012.
The full narrative of witness presentations is available on the Committee’s website.