All Sectors
The Institute takes on a wide range of legal questions, turning its attention to current and emerging issues across multiple sectors on an ongoing basis.
Consumer Protection
Consumer protection law governs transactions in an effort to protect consumers from being taken advantage of by unfair business practices.
Corporate & Commercial Law
Corporate & Commercial law govern the conduct of entities engaged in trade or commerce, as well as the rights, relationships, structure and sale of business entities.
Disability Law
Disability law relates to individuals with disabilities, and largely seeks to protect such individuals from discrimination.
The CCEL is a division of the BCLI that publishes reports and public legal educational resources on legal and policy issues related to aging.
Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is an act or omission by an individual in a position of trust, whether singular or repeated, which causes harm to an older person.
Family Law
Family law governs relationships between spouses relating to property, pensions and division of assets on marital breakdown. Family law also oversees obligations and rights with respect to minor children.
Human Rights Law
Human rights law protects against the discrimination of individuals on ‘protected grounds’. For example, sexual orientation, gender, or marital status.
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Property Law
Property law protects and regulates real and personal property.
Technology Law
Technology law, or information technology law, oversees matters relating to computing and the internet.
Tort Law
Tort law covers acts or omissions that cause harm. Tort law is civil mechanism which allows the courts to impose liability.
Wills & Trusts
Wills and Trusts pertains to the distribution of property at the end of a person’s life, whether by a will, a beneficiary designation in a policy or investment, or by other means.
Workplace Law
Workplace law oversees the relationship between employer and employee.