CRT Roundup—finances, bylaw enforcement, governance, and more

This post is part of a monthly series summarizing the Civil Resolution Tribunal’s strata-property decisions. There have been 29 new decisions since the last post. Sections and types—types—availability—geothermal heating Schultz v The Owners, Strata Plan KAS 3313, 2018 BCCRT 148, involved a dispute over “certain utility expenses [the applicant strata-lot owners] say they should not have to pay because the related system, a central geo-exchange system for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water heating (central geothermal system) Read more…

Manitoba Law Reform Commission Releases Consultation Report on Beneficiary Designations

On April 10th, the Manitoba Law Reform Commission (MLRC) released its Consultation Report, The Beneficiary Designation Act (Retirement, Savings, and Other Plans). The  report  “considers possible amendments to improve the legislation and procedure related to beneficiary designations in Manitoba.” The MLRC report notes a gap in The Beneficiary Designation Act (“the Act”) with respect to beneficiary designations when plans are renewed, replaced or converted. When a new plan is created, the old plan no longer Read more…

OECD Policy Forum and Ministerial Meeting on Social Policy – An overview

On May 14 -15, 2018 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Policy Forum and Ministerial Meeting on Social Policy was held in Montreal, Quebec.  This was the first time that the forum was held outside of Paris. Canada’s Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jean-Yves Duclos co-hosted the event with OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria. BCLI Executive Director, Kathleen Cunningham was invited to attend and was pleased to participate in the open session on Read more…

National Dementia Conference 2018: A word from CCEL Staff Lawyer, Valerie Le Blanc

On May 14–15, 2018, the Public Health Agency of Canada brought together approximately 190 stakeholders from across Canada to participate in a two-day National Dementia Conference: Informing and Inspiring a National Dementia Strategy in Ottawa, Ontario. Hosted by the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health, the conference fulfills one of the two key components of the federal National Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Act. The purpose of the conference was to create “an Read more…

Spotlight on strata governance: Should the order of agenda items for annual and special general meetings be amended?

BCLI is running a public consultation on governance issues for stratas. It is asking for public input into its proposed changes to the Strata Property Act, Strata Property Regulation, and Schedule of Standard Bylaws. For information on how to participate in the consultation please visit the Strata Property Law Project—Phase Two webpage. This post is part of a series that spotlights issues discussed in the Consultation Paper on Governance Issues for Stratas. To read other Read more…