New reports shed light on seniors and antipsychotic medications

In the last few months, a number of reports and news stories have highlighted older people’s use of medications, and more specifically antipsychotics. We share what we have learned and how this is relevant for the project we recently launched on health care consent and aging. In February, the Canadian Psychological Association celebrated Psychology Month to highlight the contribution of Canadian psychology and to let Canadians know how psychology works to help them live healthy Read more…

Complaint alleging strata corporation’s refusal to grant hardship exemption from its rental-restriction bylaw allowed to proceed to hearing

In a recent decision, the BC Human Rights Tribunal has allowed a complaint of discrimination in the area of accommodation, service, or facility on the basis of ancestry, mental disability, or physical disability contrary to section 8 of the Human Rights Code to proceed to a hearing. Talbot v Strata Plan LMS 1351, 2017 BCHRT 69, is something of a sequel to an earlier tribunal decision in the same dispute. The earlier Talbot decision, which largely concerned Read more…

Changes coming to Civil Resolution Tribunal and Small Claims Court

On March 20th 2017, the Government of British Columbia announced two changes that will have an impact on how small claims disputes are resolved in the province. In June, the Provincial Court’s jurisdiction for small claims cases will increase from disputes up to $25,000 to disputes up to $35,000. This change is accompanied by the announcement that the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) will begin resolving small claims disputes up to $5,000. In fact, the Government Read more…

New series examines the impact of Bill 40 on terminating a strata

Business in Vancouver has published a two-part series examining how recent changes to the Strata Property Act have affected terminating a strata. In July 2016, Bill 40 came into force, amending part 16 of the Strata Property Act. The bill’s major changes involved lowering the voting threshold required to authorize termination (from unanimity to 80 percent of eligible voters) and requiring a strata corporation that obtains authorization at this new, lower level to apply to BC Supreme Court for Read more…

La francophonie au CCEL

Nous célébrons aujourd’hui la journée internationale de la Francophonie, mais au British Columbia Law Institute et au Centre canadien d’études sur le droit des aînés, la francophonie est une réalité quotidienne. Au sein de notre petite équipe dynamique, nous sommes quatre à parler le français couramment. Krista James, directrice du Centre canadien d’études sur le droit des aînés, fait partie d’une longue lignée de francophones : sa grand-mère maternelle a quitté la Belgique pour le Read more…