New Project: Supporting Vulnerable Victims & Witnesses

May 15th to 21st is Victims and Survivors of Crime Week in Canada. This is a time to support, acknowledge, and honor those who have had crimes committed against them. The Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) is excited to announce a new project to support this population, which has been generously funded by the BC Council to Reduce Elder Abuse. The Supporting Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses project aims to create a model policy framework Read more…

A Closer Look at the Study Paper on Public Hearings: Purposes of Public Hearings 

This post is part of a series highlighting BCLI’s Study Paper on Public Hearings: An Examination of Public Participation in the Adoption of Local Bylaws on Land Use and Planning. For other posts in the series click here. Purposes: To provide a forum at which all aspects of the bylaw might be reviewed  An early case on the duty to disclose documents in advance of a public hearing contained an influential statement of the legislation’s Read more…

Parentage agreements the focus of April 2022 parentage committee meeting

At its March 2022 meeting, BCLI’s Parentage Law Reform Project Committee continued its review of the rules in part 3 of the Family Law Act that apply to parentage of children conceived by sexual intercourse, focusing in particular on whether legislation allowing multiple parents should be extended to cover children conceived by sexual intercourse. At the April 2022 meeting, the committee turned its attention to the details that would be needed to flesh out such Read more…

An Update on the Adult Protection Act of Newfoundland and Labrador

Elder abuse and neglect response is complex because the appropriate action depends on the older person’s unique circumstances, who is hurting them, and their unique needs and desires. The law provides some options and obligations for response. We explain all the legislation relevant to elder abuse response in colonial Canada on our Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada website. One type of legislation that can provide options for response in some Read more…

A Closer Look at the Study Paper on Public Hearings: Historical Legislation 

This post is part of a series highlighting BCLI’s Study Paper on Public Hearings: An Examination of Public Participation in the Adoption of Local Bylaws on Land Use and Planning. For other posts in the series click here. Town Planning Act (1925)  In the early 20th century British Columbia’s local governments had rudimentary land use-planning powers that were “tightly worded to equip local governments to deal only with particular land use issues,” which meant that Read more…