BCLI Congratulates New Recipients of the King’s Counsel Designation (KC)

The BCLI congratulates all of the lawyers who have been recognized with the Kings Counsel designation today. These lawyers have made exceptional contributions to the legal profession.  We are particularly pleased to recognize Stacey Edzerza Fox, KC, who was appointed to the BCLI Board by the Law Society of British Columbia in 2021.   Other designates recognized today also have a connection to the BCLI. Thank you all for your excellent legal work. We are particularly Read more…

BCLI welcomes introduction of Money Judgment Enforcement Act

With the introduction of Bill 27 (the Money Judgment Enforcement Act) in the legislative assembly, the BC government has moved to implement recommendations from BCLI and the Uniform Law Conference of Canada, which will fundamentally reform an important area of civil law. A money judgment is an order of a court for a party to a lawsuit to pay another party a sum of money. Money judgments often go uncollected, frustrating successful litigants, because British Columbia’s Read more…

International Call for Six-Month Pause in Giant AI Experiments Shows Importance and Timeliness of BCLI’s AI and Civil Liability Project

BCLI has had an active project on artificial intelligence (“AI”) and civil liability underway since late 2021.  Together with an interdisciplinary expert committee, we have been developing law reform recommendations on how the law of tort needs to be adapted to deal with cases where AI causes harm to persons and property. Two news items in the headlines this week demonstrate the timeliness and relevance of our Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability Project. On 29 Read more…

BCLI welcomes pension division reforms

The BC Law Institute is pleased to note the introduction of Bill 17 in the legislative assembly. This bill amends part 6 of the Family Law Act, implementing BCLI’s recommendations to reform pension division for separating spouses. When it is enacted, the bill’s amendments will provide a host of improvements to BC’s comprehensive legislation on pension division. These improvements include clarifying and modernizing the law on locked-in retirement accounts and life income funds; private annuities; Read more…

Donor anonymity on the agenda for the January 2023 parentage committee meeting

BCLI’s Parentage Law Reform Project Committee recently considered donor anonymity. BC doesn’t have provisions on information about donors in its parentage legislation under part 3 of the Family Law Act. But access to information about donors is an issue that has risen in prominence as more and more children are born from assisted reproduction. The committee decided that donor anonymity was sufficiently connected to parentage as to merit high-level consideration in this project. The federal Read more…