Overview of the 2020 ULCC Annual Meeting

BCLI was well-represented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada (ULCC), held on August 10-13. Kathleen Cunningham served as the Chair of the Civil Section this year and was also a member of the BC delegation. Greg Blue, Q.C. attended as a member of the BC delegation and a ULCC working group. Emeritus members Arthur Close, Q.C. and Joost Blom, Q.C. each presented reports to the Conference as the heads Read more…

BC Issues Recommendations on Updating Health Profession Regulation

Introduction The BC provincial government is considering changes to health professional regulation. On August 27, 2020 the Steering Committee on Modernization of Health Professional Regulation [Steering Committee] released their Recommendations to modernize the provincial health regulatory framework [Recommendations]. This blog will list the range of recommended changes and discuss parts of the recommendations aimed at improving patient safety concerns. These recommendations follow a series of reports and consultations. Following concerns about the College of Dental Read more…

BCLI launches project to review the law of parentage under part 3 of the Family Law Act

BCLI is beginning a new project, to review the law of parentage as set out in part 3 of the Family Law Act. The project is slated to run until December 2022. Its goal is to produce a final report, with recommendations for legislative reform. BCLI is carrying out the project with the support of the Justice Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General for British Columbia. What is parentage and why is part 3 being Read more…

Spotlight on pension division: commuted value transfer

This post is part of a series that spotlights issues discussed in the Consultation Paper on Pension Division: A Review of Part 6 of the Family Law Act. To read other posts in the series please click here. Brief description of the issue If the pension benefits to be divided are under a local plan, are determined under a benefit formula provision, and the pension hasn’t commenced, then section 115 of the Family Law Act gives Read more…

BCLI Remembers Former Chief Justice Lance Finch

BCLI joins the rest of the legal community in mourning the death on 30 August 2020 of the Hon. Lance S.G. Finch, Q.C., former Chief Justice of British Columbia. First as a leading insurance law practitioner, then as a trial and appellate judge, and finally as Chief Justice of the province, former Chief Justice Finch contributed in many ways to the development of the law of British Columbia. He was a champion of institutional law Read more…