Meet Education and Outreach Coordinator Jess Fehrenbacher

My name is Jessica (Jess) Fehrenbacher. My last name is easier to pronounce than it looks. I am working with the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) as an independent contractor on the Engaging People Living with Dementia Project. I have my Masters in Social Work from UBC and am a Registered Social Worker. I come to the project with experience doing group facilitation and research locally and internationally. I also bring my social work Read more…

Suitability: Leading complaint among investors who come to OBSI for help

   In 2020, almost 20% of investment complaints the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) investigated related to the suitability of the investments. It is the leading issue investors submit a complaint about. In many of these investment complaints, investors say that they received poor advice, that their investments or investment strategies were unsuitable and/or that their investments did not perform as they were told. In these instances, investors ask to be compensated for Read more…

World Elder Abuse 2021

June is a month of raising awareness for many important issues and communities relevant to our work at the CCEL. June is 2SLGBTQ+ Pride Month, National indigenous History Month, and Elder Abuse Awareness Month. June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This blog post will review a recent elder abuse event hosted by Elder Abuse Prevention (ON), CanAge and Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse which featured a panel that included our Read more…