Age Discrimination and the Human Rights Process in British Columbia

Introduction This is the first of a three-part series discussing age discrimination and older people. This first post will focus on the human rights process and age discrimination generally. The second post looks at age discrimination in employment settings. The final post reviews other settings where age related discrimination occurs. This blog post: Defines age discrimination; Explores the basic human rights process; Discusses how age discrimination fits into this process. Age Discrimination Age discrimination occurs Read more…

BCLI welcomes new Commercial Liens Act

BCLI is pleased that a bill introduced yesterday in the legislative assembly will implement its Report on the Uniform Liens Act and modernize the law of commercial liens. The new Commercial Liens Act is intended to update “B.C. law for liens so that service providers can more easily understand and use liens and their customers can protect their rights to their own property.” (“Liens commonly give people the right to keep another person’s property to Read more…

February 2022 Newsletter: Check out these engaging new projects from the BCLI!

The BC Law Institute is happy to announce the kickoff of two important projects this month: the Gender Diversity in Legal Writing Guide and the Public Hearings Project. Both are major undertakings that aim to enhance social justice, inclusivity, and public participation. Read more about both of these projects by scrolling through this newsletter. Congratulations to University of Victoria Professor Gillian Calder for winning BCLI’s trivia contest for January! She’ll be receiving a BCLI-inspired toque handmade by our Executive Director, Read more…

Why Independent Legal Advice Services Matter for People Detained under the Mental Health Act

Imagine you were detained in a hospital against your will or a loved one you support is taken to a care facility without your consent. The facility staff say the Mental Health Act allows this detention as well as providing psychiatric treatment without consent. The immediate questions that come to your mind might be anything from “how long can the detention last?” to “can I challenge that decision?” – but everyone would have questions. Now Read more…

Alzheimer Society of B.C Webinar – Dementia and Decision-making

On January 26, CCEL’s Krista James and Jess Fehrenbacher presented on the Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-making project alongside the Alzheimer Society of B.C. This webinar discusses legal rights relating to decision-making for people living with dementia, compare supported and substitute decision-making, and provide insights gathered from the Health care decision-making: Legal rights of people living with dementia project. They also shared how you can get involved with the project, and the tools Read more…