June 28, 2018

New Brunswick seeks feedback on proposals for enduring powers of attorney legislation

The Legislative Services Branch (LSB) of the Office of the Attorney General (New Brunswick) is currently working on proposals for powers of attorney legislation. The LSB released Law Reform Notes #40 in December 2017 and Law Reform Notes #41 in May 2018. Both issues of the notes discuss the LSB’s Read more…

June 27, 2018

New Brunswick seeks feedback on Mechanics’ Lien Act reform proposals

In May 2018, the Legislative Services Branch (LSB) of the Office of the Attorney General (New Brunswick) released Law Reform Notes #41. These notes consider potential reforms to New Brunswick’s Mechanics’ Lien Act (“the Act”) – a topic initially addressed in Law Reform Notes #40, released in December 2017. The Read more…

June 12, 2018

Tasmania Law Reform Institute Releases Final Report on Recidivist Drink Drivers

On April 17th 2018, the Tasmania Law Reform Institute (TLRI) released its final report, Responding to the Problem of Recidivist Drink Drivers – Final Report # 24. The report follows the TLRI’s release of its issues paper, Responding to the Problem of Recidivist Drink Drivers – Issues Paper # 23. Read more…

May 24, 2018

Manitoba Law Reform Commission Releases Consultation Report on Beneficiary Designations

On April 10th, the Manitoba Law Reform Commission (MLRC) released its Consultation Report, The Beneficiary Designation Act (Retirement, Savings, and Other Plans). The  report  “considers possible amendments to improve the legislation and procedure related to beneficiary designations in Manitoba.” The MLRC report notes a gap in The Beneficiary Designation Act Read more…

May 22, 2018

Meet Summer Research Assistant Gurinder Cheema

My name is Gurinder Cheema. In the fall, I will begin my third year at the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law. During my second year, I was a part of the faculty’s Law Co-op Program. As part of the Law Co-op Program, I completed a work term at Norton Read more…