February 5, 2020

Court procedures and orders make up the subject of January 2020 Child Protection Project Committee meeting

BCLI’s Child Protection Project Committee continued its review of the Child, Family and Community Service Act at its January 2020 committee meeting, moving on to a new topic. At this meeting the committee considered selected court procedures and orders under the act. The committee discussed three issues in the meeting. Read more…

January 22, 2020

Project Update: Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-Making

Introduction Since fall 2019, the CCEL has been working on a project entitled Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-Making. This work is funded by the Vancouver Foundation. The project is a collaboration with the Alzheimer Society of BC (the Society) and the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia. Read more…

December 16, 2019

2019 year in review for child-protection project

Even though BCLI began its Modernizing the Child, Family and Community Service Act Project late in 2018, the project only really hit its stride in 2019. This year has seen some significant developments in both components of the project: (1) a focused review of the Child, Family and Community Service Read more…

December 12, 2019

2019 year in review for the Pension Division Review Project

Part 6 of the Family Law Act and the Division of Pensions Regulation set out the legal framework for dividing pension benefits after the breakdown of a spousal relationship. This legal framework first came into force in the 1990s and, like much of British Columbia’s family-law legislation, saw some significant Read more…

December 3, 2019

Child Protection Project Committee considers disclosure under the Child, Family and Community Service Act

BCLI’s Child Protection Project Committee continued its review of the Child, Family and Community Service Act at its November 2019 committee meeting, moving on to a new topic. At this meeting the committee considered whether to add new disclosure requirements to the act. The committee discussed two issues in the Read more…