Enhanced Law Reform Database for Researchers
June 22, 2011
BY Alison Taylor
The British Columbia Law Institute has updated and enhanced an extensive, online collection of provincial, national, and international law reform materials. New online software and more recent law reform materials have been added to the BCLI’s Law Reform Database. These upgrades to the Law Reform Database were made possible with the generous assistance of the Law Foundation of British Columbia.
The Law Reform Database provides references to materials from various agencies in Canada, as well as Australia, New Zealand, the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, and Africa. The law reform materials include a range of topics, dealt with in consultation papers and reports, up to December 2010.
D. Peter Ramsay, QC, the Chair of the BCLI, said “we are very pleased with the benefits that the revised law reform database will provide to researchers. The enhanced database software and new information will make searches for law reform information more efficient and comprehensive. This is a resource that we are proud to provide to everyone who is interested in legal developments, within Canada and internationally.”
The Law Reform Database is a valuable resource for research agencies and students, as well as practicing lawyers, who are interested or involved in law reform initiatives. The material is comprehensive in scope and provides researchers with access to national and international papers and reports in a wide range of legal topics. Free access to the database is online here.
The British Columbia Law Institute strives to be a leader in law reform by carrying out the best in scholarly law reform research and writing and the best in outreach relating to law reform.
Contact: Kevin Zakreski
Staff Lawyer
(604) 827-5336