September 1, 2016
Consultation Paper on Complex Stratas Response Booklet
We are interested in your response to this consultation paper. It would be helpful if your response directly addressed the tentative recommendations set out in this consultation paper, but it is not necessary. We will also accept general comments on reform on complex stratas — specifically, legal issues relating to Read more…
Summary Consultation on Complex Stratas
The purpose of this summary consultation is to highlight three proposals from the British Columbia Law Institute’s Consultation Paper on Complex Stratas. In the interest of brevity, background information and discussion of these proposals has been kept to a bare minimum. The document is available in both MS Word and PDF Read more…
Backgrounder no. 6 – Consultation Paper on Complex Stratas
March 8, 2016
Bill 16 Changes to Assisted Living Legislation Consistent with BCLI / CCEL Recommendations
This media release is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
February 11, 2016
BCLI welcomes bill to implement its Report on Unnecessary Requirements for Sworn Statements
This media release is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.