September 18, 2020

Review of Parentage under Part 3 of the Family Law Act

Overview Conclusively determining who a child’s parents are is an important part of family law. It is the foundation of many aspects of a child’s identity, such as family name and relationships, nationality, and cultural heritage. Parentage can also determine important legal rights and responsibilities, such as a child’s inheritance Read more…

October 31, 2022

Project Update: Summary of Themes from Consultations on Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-Making

Introduction The Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) is collaborating on a three-year project. Our goal is to change how healthcare decision-making is approached so that the rights of people living with dementia are respected and they participate as much as possible in the decisions that matter to them. The Read more…

October 18, 2022

Supporting Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses: Project Update

Introduction: The Canadian Centre for Elder Law is conducting a one-year project with the goal of completing a model policy framework to support victims and witnesses of crime with capacity issues. To reach this goal, CCEL staff are interviewing victim service workers, police, Crown Counsel, designated agencies, defence counsel and Read more…

September 27, 2019

Dementia + Decision-Making

September 9, 2022

BCLI attends the 2022 Uniform Law Conference of Canada

The BCLI was pleased to participate in the Uniform Law Conference of Canada’s (ULCC) 2022 annual meeting held in Edmonton, Alberta from August 15 to 19, 2022. Karen Campbell, Executive Director of the BCLI and Greg Blue, Q.C., Senior Staff Lawyer attended the meeting as members of the BC delegation Read more…