January 16, 2024

Public engagement on phase two of Family Law Act modernization now open

BC government seeking the public’s views on family-law topics The Ministry of Attorney General for BC has just announced a public-engagement program for phase two of its project to modernize the Family Law Act. This program gives the public an opportunity to share its thoughts on ministry proposals for reform Read more…

September 26, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability Project

Overview The goal of the Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability Project was to determine how the rules of tort law need to adapt to respond to harm to persons and property caused by autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The project set out to answer: Who is, or should be, liable Read more…

September 18, 2020

Review of Parentage under Part 3 of the Family Law Act

Overview Conclusively determining who a child’s parents are is an important part of family law. It is the foundation of many aspects of a child’s identity, such as family name and relationships, nationality, and cultural heritage. Parentage can also determine important legal rights and responsibilities, such as a child’s inheritance Read more…

June 21, 2024

June 2024 Newsletter: News from the BCLI!

News and Updates Advancing Social Justice: Recent Legislative Acts Passed in B.C. The B.C. Legislative Assembly recently passed 27 bills, including 17 amendments to existing acts and 10 new acts. We are pleased to summarize (some of) these changes, with an emphasis on those that address social justice issues with Read more…