Elder Abuse in Chinese and South Asian Communities
Visual Mapping of Needs Assessment Results
If you would like free copies of the Simplified Chinese and Punjabi posters please contact 604-822-0564, or [email protected].
The posters state:
Healthy Aging means:
- Feeling safe in your home
- Feeling respected in your family.
Is someone in your family hurting you?
Talk to someone your trust.
For advice or information talk to Seniors Abuse & Information Line (SAIL): toll free 1-866-437-1940. Language interpretation is available Monday through Friday, 9am–4 pm.
This project is a collaboration with:
- University of Victoria Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health,
- National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly,
- Mosaic, and
- Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria
Elder abuse in ethno-cultural minority communities, i.e., the Chinese and South Asian communities, is highly stigmatized and considered a matter that should not be discussed outside the confines of the family (Lai, 2014; Walsh et al., 2007). Indeed, according to researchers and service providers in this area, it is very much a silenced problem in certain communities. Given the acknowledged presence of culturally-constructed barriers to prevention, recognition, and response to elder abuse, in its many forms, it is important to profile and assess the relevance of current tools/resources that older adults, their family members, and front-line workers have access to in attempting to address this critical issue. This is a crucial part of the exercise of making sure that truly helpful tools exist which respond to the unique experiences of ethno-cultural and immigrant older adults.
This project involved research, needs assessment and tool development focused on elder abuse in Chinese and South Asian Communities in Victoria and the Vancouver lower mainland. The proposed project aimed to:
- Build awareness to prevent, recognize and respond to elder abuse in the two largest ethno-cultural minority communities in British Columbia, the Chinese and South Asians;
- Support front-line workers through education and access to relevant tools to respond effectively and protect older adults from these communities against elder abuse; and
- Create a shared leadership and collaborative network across the project’s partner organizations—University of Victoria’s Centre on Aging, the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL), and NICE—and their affiliates to reduce elder abuse in these ethno-cultural minority communities in BC.
The UVIC team conducted focus groups with front line responders who work with older adults in Chinese and South Asian communities in order to identify community needs. CCEL conducted a mapping exercise to identify what tools exist and where there are gaps. The project will develop tools that address the identified gaps. Tools will be posted to this webpage.
This project built on the work of the CCEL during our Power of Attorney Elder Abuse Awareness Project, which developed English and Chinese language brochures and fact sheets on rights and responsibilities under a power of attorney. You can download any of these resources to share with your clients.
Related Blog Posts
Elder Abuse in Chinese and South Asian Communities – A Recent CCEL Collaboration (May 2016)
項目現狀: 進行中
專案聯繫: Krista James
電話: 604-822-0564
- 維多利亞大學老齡中心 (“University of Victoria Centre on Aging”),
- 全國老人照顧倡議會 (“National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly),
- 大維多利亞跨文化協會 (“Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria”)
虐老在少數族裔社區,特別是華人與南亞社區,被看作是一件恥辱的,不應被宣揚出家門的醜聞 (Lai, 2014, Walsh et al., 2007) 。的確,根據研究人員和服務提供者的報告,虐老在某些社區是一件被沉默了的問題。鑒於由文化區別引起的的虐老預防識別及應對方面存在公認的障礙,對現有的關注虐老問題的資源和工具進行審核,無論對老人、家人還是前線工作者都是一件極其重要的事。這樣的審核對於驗證針對虐老的資源和工具是否實用,以及是否足夠針對不同少數族裔社區和新移民可謂是重中之重。
- 對於在卑詩省最大的兩個少數群體,華人和南亞社區,對於虐待老人問題建立防範,識別和應對意識;
- 通過教育與應用相關工具和資源來支持前線工作者。使它們可以有效的對於虐老問題做出及時有效的應對,並保護這些社區的老年人;以及
- 與我們的合作夥伴們分享並建立起一個具有領導作用的協作網路–維多利亞大學老齡中心 (“University of Victoria Centre on Aging”),加拿大老年法律中心 (Canadian Centre for Elder Law),和全國老人照顧倡議會 (“National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly)及其關聯的組織,並運用此網路減少在華人和南亞社區的虐老事件。
為確保能夠發現各個社區的需求,維多利亞大學團隊將會組織並建立一個由前線工作者組成的焦點小組。這些前線工作者皆有華人和南亞社區的工作經驗。加拿大老年法律中心 (Canadian Centre for Elder Law) 則會進行一項比對工作,來對比現有和所差的資源和工具。該專案也將研製新的資源與工具來彌補所差工具。這些新建資源都將會被公開在網站上。
Related Files
Below you will find additional, relevant and specific documentation, backgrounders, research, resources, media releases and summaries that have been, or will be incorporated into our final publications and study papers.
If you have questions about these or other specific documents, please reach out to BCLI using our contact page or at the bottom of each page of our website.