August 12, 2008

Woodworker Lien Act (1994)

Keywords: logging; forest; product; logger; worker; woodworker; lien; log; timber; harvesting; hauling; value; owner; employee; unpaid; wage; payroll; contractor; payment; property; security; interest; priority; enforcement; obsolete; repeal; Woodworker Lien Act The Woodworker Lien Act is a statute intended to entitle workers in the forest industry to secure payment of wages Read more…

Labour Regulation Act (1994)

One of the duties of the Law Reform Commission is to keep the statute law of the province under continual review and to recommend the repeal of obsolete and unnecessary enactments. In this regard, our attention has been drawn to the Labour Regulation Act, RSBC 1979, c 213. The Labour Read more…

Taxation and the Assessment of Income-Related Damage Awards (1994)

Keywords: damages; award; personal; injury; compensation; future loss; earnings; income; taxation; tax; gross-up; R. v. Jennings When a court makes an award of damages to an injured person to compensate for lost earnings, the damages are calculated and awarded as if that person’s earnings attract no tax. This approach, stemming Read more…

Standardized Assumptions for Calculating Income Tax Gross-up and Management Fees in Assessing Damages (1994)

Keywords: damages; award; future loss; personal; injury; wrongful; death; income; tax; gross-up; investment; management; fee; calculation; guideline; standardization; compensation; assumption; actuarial; present value; taxation; future; inflation; interest; rate; real Since the mid-1970s there have been various innovations aimed at achieving greater precision and fairness in the assessment of damages for Read more…

Apportionment of Costs and Contributory Negligence: Section 3 of the Negligence Act (1993)

Keywords: contributory negligence; costs; entitlement; liability; share; apportionment; offer; plaintiff; deduction; Negligence Act Legal proceedings are often necessary to recover compensation for loss or injury caused by others, but they can be an expensive process. A person required to proceed to court will ordinarily recover some compensation for their legal Read more…