May 11, 2015

Builders Lien Reform Project

March 31, 2015

Employment Standards Act Reform Project

BCLI was encouraged to undertake the Employment Standards Act Reform Project because the Act did not adequately address the contemporary needs and circumstances of British Columbia’s workplaces, and was overdue for a review.  No comprehensive, independent review of the Act had taken place since the Thompson Report of 1994. As of Read more…

November 23, 2014

Promising Practices for Housing Women who are Older and Fleeing Violence or Abuse

Overview The CCEL was retained by Atira Women’s Resources Society as writer and developer on their national project on promising practices in housing women who are older and fleeing violence or abuse. This project involved working with a national advisory committee of women with expertise in violence against older women Read more…

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Knowledge Sharing Project

The Canadian Centre for Elder Law has been contracted by the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) to coordinate their knowledge-sharing work. The CNPEA is a national, non-profit organization focused on elder abuse prevention and response. They: Connect people and organizations; Foster the exchange of reliable information; Read more…

July 7, 2014

Uniform Vital Statistics Act (Renewal) Project