August 6, 2008

23. Report on the Uniform Liens Act

The following report is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Keywords: liens, legislation, Uniform Liens Act, Repairers Lien Act, Warehouse Lien Act, storage, storers, common carriers liens, Personal Property Security Act, business & non-profits, transportation, debt, consumer, Uniform Law Conference of Canada

22. Report on Builders Liens and Arbitration

The following report is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Keywords: builders liens, legislation, Builders Lien Act, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), arbitration, Commercial Arbitration Act, housing, tenancy & neighbours, buying or selling a home, construction law, business & non-profits, construction, Uniform Law Conference of Canada

20. A Report on Year Five (2001-02 Annual Report)

The British Columbia Law Institute’s 2001-2002 Annual Report is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. To view previous Annual Reports, click here.

19. Report on The Ultimate Limitation Period: Updating the Limitation Act

Keywords: civil litigation, limitation of actions, legislation, Limitation Act, ultimate limitation period, disabilities, children & teens, accidents & injuries, doctors, medical practitioners, insurance, remedies, torts, trusts, running of time, confirmation of cause of action The following report is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Return to The Ultimate Limitation Period: Read more…

Report on the Builders Lien Act and the Pipeline Problem

The following backgrounder is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Keywords: builders liens, Builders Lien Act, business & non-profits, construction, resource law, oil and gas, pipeline problem, land, rights of landowner, housing, tenancy & neighbours