August 11, 2008

Joint Project to Create a Harmonized Legal Framework for Unincorporated Nonprofit Associations in North America

The unincorporated nonprofit association is the default mode of nonprofit activity. Whenever people band together to carry out one or more nonprofit purposes and take no steps to incorporate or create a charitable trust, they form an unincorporated nonprofit association. This category includes everything from small-scale members’ clubs, charities, neighbourhood Read more…

July 23, 2008

Society Act Reform Project

The Society Act provides for the incorporation, organization, governance, amalgamation, and termination of not-for-profit bodies in British Columbia. The Act has seen little change since its enactment in 1977. It has not kept pace with developments in the legal landscape and the not-for-profit sector. The Society Act Reform Project published Read more…

March 6, 2005

The Uniform Civil Enforcement of Money Judgments Act

This project examined a proposal for the reform of the civil enforcement system that governs the legal procedures that apply to the enforcement of money judgments. A money judgment is an order issued by a court for a party to a lawsuit to pay the other party a sum of Read more…

July 5, 2004

Personal Liability of Society Directors and Officers

This project studied the sources of legal liability of directors and officers of not-for-profit societies and considers proposals for reform of the law. Keywords: societies, volunteers, associations, charity, tort, directors’ duties, liability, business & non-profits

January 5, 2003

The Uniform Liens Act

A lien is a legal claim against property that can prevent it from being sold unless the lien is paid off. This project examined the law governing the liens of repairers, storers, and common carriers. These commercial liens are supposed to provide persons who have repaired, stored, or transported goods Read more…