December 4, 2015

Older Women Fleeing Violence and Abuse in Canada: Bringing Together Separate Spheres of Practice

Overview Supporting older women fleeing violence is challenging work that demands knowledge of both elder abuse and violence against women. Yet, these two communities of practice operate largely as separate spheres. The Canadian Centre for Elder Law was invited to submit an article for a special edition of the Journal Read more…

June 30, 2022

UK court allows posthumous use of embryo despite lack of written consent

In a recent decision, the family division of the High Court of England and Wales allowed a husband to use an embryo created by in vitro fertilization with his wife for birth by surrogacy, even though the wife (who died after creation of the embryo by IVF) didn’t provide written Read more…

June 24, 2022

Parentage committee finishes discussion of multiparent provisions for children conceived by sexual intercourse and starts discussion of donors

In June, BCLI’s Parentage Law Reform Project Committee finalized its discussion of whether multiparent configurations should be extended to conception by sexual intercourse. This topic has been the subject of discussion for several consecutive meetings starting in March 2022, and continuing at the April 2022 and May 2022 meetings. Who Read more…

June 30, 2015

Questions and Answers About Pension Division on the Breakdown of a Relationship in British Columbia (2015-2016)

Overview British Columbia’s Family Law Act now extends the family property regime to long-term marriage-like relationships as well as legal marriages, with the result that pensions belonging to persons in marriage-like relationships have become subject to division on the breakdown of those relationships under Part 6 of the Act. The Read more…

November 23, 2014

Promising Practices for Housing Women who are Older and Fleeing Violence or Abuse

Overview The CCEL was retained by Atira Women’s Resources Society as writer and developer on their national project on promising practices in housing women who are older and fleeing violence or abuse. This project involved working with a national advisory committee of women with expertise in violence against older women Read more…