March 1, 2007

Parental Support Obligation in Section 90 of the Family Relations Act

Section 90 of the Family Relations Act creates a legal obligation for adult children to support their dependent parents. This legal obligation exists independently of any moral obligation that children may feel to support their parents in old age. Section 90 gives a parent a right to go to court Read more…

May 1, 2006

Pension Division on Marriage Breakdown: A Ten Year Review of Part 6 of the Family Relations Act

For the most up-to-date information on this subject, check out the 4th Edition of this report published in March 2017. 

March 5, 2004

Appointing a Guardian and Standby Guardianship

Parents and other guardians of small children want to ensure that their children will be provided for in case they pass away, or otherwise become unable to care for them. This project explored four issues related to the guardianship of children: (1) whether provisions relating to testamentary guardianship, guardianship appointed Read more…

March 5, 2001

Questions and Answers About Pension Division 3rd Edition

For the most up-to-date information on this subject, check out the 4th Edition of this report published in March 2017.  In 1995 British Columbia enacted the Family Relations Act, which provides for the assistance of plans in dividing pensions between spouses on marriage breakdown. In March 1996 a first edition Read more…

January 1, 1999

Recognition of Spousal and Family Status

The Attorney General asked the British Columbia Law Institute to review the statute law of British Columbia and make recommendations for legislative changes necessary to provide legal recognition to the variety of family relationships in the province, and to address the rights and obligations that should attach to those relationships. Read more…