September 8, 2015

Older Women’s Legal Education Project

Overview Handbook: Road to Safety: Legal Information for Older Women in BC Wallet sized cards available in 12 languages. This project was a collaboration of CCEL and West Coast LEAF (WCL). The project addressed a serious gap in existing public legal education resources: information tailored to older women fleeing abuse. Currently, Read more…

September 2, 2015

Financing Litigation Legal Research Project

November 23, 2014

Promising Practices for Housing Women who are Older and Fleeing Violence or Abuse

Overview The CCEL was retained by Atira Women’s Resources Society as writer and developer on their national project on promising practices in housing women who are older and fleeing violence or abuse. This project involved working with a national advisory committee of women with expertise in violence against older women Read more…

July 7, 2014

Uniform Vital Statistics Act (Renewal) Project

September 29, 2013

Rationalizing and Harmonization of BC Common-Law Tests of Capacity

It is basic law that mental disability or illness does not, in and of itself, leave a person incapable under the law to carry out transactions, enter into relationships, or manage his or her affairs. The law’s focus is on the degree of mental disability or illness. If a person’s Read more…