December 19, 2011

BCLI Project Committee to Study Common-Law Tests of Capacity

New two-year project to consider reforms to judge-made rules governing when a person is determined to have the mental capacity to carry out a transaction or enter into a relationship

December 14, 2011

BCLI Forms Project Committee to Investigate Common-Law Tests of Capacity

 The British Columbia Law Institute is embarking on a two-year project to consider reforms to judge-made rules governing when a person is determined to have the mental capacity to carry out a transaction or enter into a relationship.

October 13, 2011

Call for Volunteers: Rationalizing and Harmonization of BC Common-Law Tests of Capacity Project

The British Columbia Law Institute is seeking volunteers to serve on its common-law capacity project committee. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send us your expression of interest (including curriculum vitae) by 31 October 2011. If you want some more information about the project and the BCLI’s expectations of committee members, please read the background and FAQ that follow.


Background on the project