Welcoming Kamala Sproule to the CCEL Team!

September 25, 2017

BY Krista James

We are so pleased to welcome Kamala to our team. Kamala will be supporting our continuing work with older women living in the Lower Mainland.

Over the last 15 years, Kamala has worked as an evaluator, a community development worker, and community-based researcher. She has a Masters in Social Work. She brings much experience working with immigrant and refugee women to her work, having taught English as a Second Language for adult immigrants and refugees for 10 years. Over at the CCEL we have worked with Kamala on many occasions as part of her consultant work with Seniors First BC. We are so thrilled to have someone with a such a wealth of experience working with diverse communities to be assisting us in our work.

Kamala is passionate about the important work of helping to bring forth the voices of people who are often not heard in the mainstream, and bridging understanding and communication across difference. Says Kamala, “as a 50-year old lesbian of mixed heritage, raised by a single mother and grandparents, I too have experienced being ‘invisible’ and various forms of discrimination. However, I also hold much privilege. I will bring these worlds together in my role over the next months.”

Kamala will be helping us to share our findings from the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP) with older women living in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, and also with the larger community of practitioners working in seniors’ services and women centres. We will be reaching out to women we met with as part of the last phase of consultation to tell them about what we heard from older women, and what ideas for law, policy and practice reform emerged from their stories. Please contact Kamala at owdp@bcli.org if you would like her to come to your agency to talk about this work. We are able to provide an honorarium for interpretation as needed. The four-page OWDP mini-report is will be available in English, French, Punjabi, Urdu, and Chinese within a couple weeks. You can also view the full second consultation report online.

Kamala will also be helping us to continue our work with older immigrant women survivors of violence and abuse in collaboration with Vancouver Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services.

Don’t forget to register for our upcoming free National Seniors Day webinar on Engaging Older Women in your Community

We are so pleased to welcome Kamala to our team. Kamala will be supporting our continuing work with older women living in the Lower Mainland.

Over the last 15 years, Kamala has worked as an evaluator, a community development worker, and community-based researcher. She has a Masters in Social Work. She brings much experience working with immigrant and refugee women to her work, having taught English as a Second Language for adult immigrants and refugees for 10 years. Over at the CCEL we have worked with Kamala on many occasions as part of her consultant work with Seniors First BC. We are so thrilled to have someone with a such a wealth of experience working with diverse communities to be assisting us in our work.

Kamala is passionate about the important work of helping to bring forth the voices of people who are often not heard in the mainstream, and bridging understanding and communication across difference. Says Kamala, “as a 50-year old lesbian of mixed heritage, raised by a single mother and grandparents, I too have experienced being ‘invisible’ and various forms of discrimination. However, I also hold much privilege. I will bring these worlds together in my role over the next months.”

Kamala will be helping us to share our findings from the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP) with older women living in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, and also with the larger community of practitioners working in seniors’ services and women centres. We will be reaching out to women we met with as part of the last phase of consultation to tell them about what we heard from older women, and what ideas for law, policy and practice reform emerged from their stories. Please contact Kamala at owdp@bcli.org if you would like her to come to your agency to talk about this work. We are able to provide an honorarium for interpretation as needed. The four-page OWDP mini-report is will be available in English, French, Punjabi, Urdu, and Chinese within a couple weeks. You can also view the full second consultation report online.

Kamala will also be helping us to continue our work with older immigrant women survivors of violence and abuse in collaboration with Vancouver Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services.

Don’t forget to register for our upcoming free National Seniors Day webinar on Engaging Older Women in your Community